A good reason to not re-estimate backlog items

A good reason to not re-estimate backlog itemsI think it makes sense from a ‘scientific method’ perspective, in that points vs. actual time spent becomes a metric that can be confidently used to measure how good the team estimates before-the-fact (a priori). [Read More]
Tags: agile

A good explanation of commons-logging, slf4j, and log4j.

http://stackoverflow.com/questions/462566/logging-using-sl4j-jakarta-commons-logging-log4j-for-third-party-libraries-and Remember to not confuse slf4j-xxxx.jar with xxxx-over-slf4j.jar. The former is for funneling to your desired logging framework (log4j, logback, etc), the latter is to replace the used logging framework. – Spencer K [Read More]
Tags: java