EmberJS is Awesome!

I am super impressed by these things, and others. I still mean to explore Angular more, as I was previously excited by it. I am pretty sure Ember is my way forward. Backbone was awesome for its time, but on to Ember! a good comparison to AngularJS, that exposes the... [Read More]
Tags: web development

Re: Parking Policy Update

[announcements] Parking Policy Update Brian Klug <##@hackerdojo.com>Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 9:51 AM Reply-To: discussions@hackerdojo.com To: announcements <announcements@hackerdojo.com> The Board of Directors is updating our parking policy to add the following:With limited parking available, the Dojo is not a campground nor a car storage facility. No vehicle may remain in the... [Read More]
Tags: lifestyle, hackerdojo

hackerfair3 table

The final presentation. Overall a VERY fruitful day at Hacker Fair. I found some interesting freelance/part-time leads, and two great while yet very different companies in the city who I’d love to work with. One is small lifestyle business with an amazing vacation package, and 20% time for personal open source development! The other... [Read More]
Tags: hackerfair3

hand washed and dried 10 minutes of effort

hand washed and dried. <10 minutes of effort. Back story: I dressed sexy and then spilled coffee all over myself. I’m going to a social event tonight and still wanted to look sexy, but not do a whole load of laundry. I used my regular detergent (powder rather than liquid)... [Read More]
Tags: lifestyle

the only difference is i removed blemishes and

the only difference is I removed blemishes and birthmarks from the top version. I don’t even have anything big and nasty, so it is really interesting that there is such a difference. I’ve not opted to use either as my dating photo, as both scores are pretty low. I’m running... [Read More]
Tags: lifestyle

first track loads

WORKS! granted the UI locks for the length of the song the first time it is loaded, afterward it works perfectly. I will play around with various structures to support something like producer consumer with seeking; quite likely I’ll use mmap, and then seek+music_delivery will adjust the starting pointer. I... [Read More]
Tags: hackerfair3

spotify soundsource encoding

There’s lot going on here. Pretty much it is the two ends actually talking to each other: the playlist/track library import + the sound source. I am encoding the track URI as base64+url. Originally I was going to do base32, but I was able to use QT’s library for the... [Read More]
Tags: hackerfair3

Wrigley’s selling dessert-replacement gum

Wrigley’s selling dessert-replacement gumI have tried 2 of these now, and wow, A+ if you are not anti-gum. I’ve tried apple crisp and now mint chocolate, both are stellar 2 minute bursts of “realistic” flavor. they’ll not replace the real thing for sure, but these could go SO FAR for... [Read More]
Tags: lifestyle