We'll start out with the Event class. We want to get all events within n miles of a particular zipcode. Since this is generalized beyond the level of Event, we will place it within the EventPeer class (for more information, read Propel's documentation).
class EventPeer extends BaseEventPeer {
static function GetWithinRadius( $zip, $maxDistance ) {
$con = Propel::getConnection(self::DATABASE_NAME);
// get a list of columns that we actually care about (sort of hackish, but not really. see Select Using SQL in Propel's user guide)
$c = new Criteria();
self::addSelectColumns( $c );
$sql = "SELECT ".join( ",", $c->getSelectColumns() )." FROM ".self::TABLE_NAME." WHERE ZipDistance(?, ".self::ZIPCODE.") < ?"; $stmt = $con->prepareStatement( $sql );
$stmt->setInt( 1, $zip );
$stmt->setInt( 2, $maxDistance );
$rs = $stmt->executeQuery(ResultSet::FETCHMODE_NUM);
return self::populateObjects($rs);
Easy enough? yep. We implement UserPeer::GetWithinRadius exactly the same. Now as an exercise to show you how fun Propel can be, here is a function to get all events within n miles of a particular User:
class User extends BaseUser {
function getNearByEvents( $maxDistance ) {
$zip = $this->getZipCode();
return EventPeer::GetWithinRadius( $zip, $maxDistance );
This is ridiculously simple, isn't it? I'd like to give thanks to the inventors of stored procedures and Propel.